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 Moon Anomalies News

User Email: Strange Structure on the Moon
Written By:Mike
I found a strange structure in the Copernicus Crater on the Moon (9.3° N, 19.25° W / Eastern Oceanus Procellarum, Mare Insularum).
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Press Release: New Research Reveals Unexplained Geometric Shapes in NASA Moon Images
Written By:Allan Sturm
Unidentified Lunar Objects share controversial and thought provoking images sure to challenge scientists and compel the public to insist on answers. go to article>>

Object on Moon
Written By:Paranormal News
Cylindrical object releases puff of smoke? Enjoy! ,
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E-mail: Light Photographed Above The Moon?
Written By:Leah
I took these two pictures tonight... cause I went outside and called a friend to see what he was up to, I looked up at the moon and saw a bright orange/red color light to the upper left of the moon. go to article>>

Who Stops to Question the Man in the Moon?
Written By:Doug Yurchey
No one questions the phenomena. No one dares consider that the Earth/Moon gravity-relationship may not be natural at all! We know of one other in sync relationship in the solar system. go to article>>

 Recent Moon Anomalies Newspaper Links
1/17/2011 Earth Rotation Changes Zodiac Signs?
  Well, many have been operating off of false knowledge for a while now. So-Called \’Western\’ Astrology had failed to make the correction. Other Astrological systems in the world adapted by not using a static system, but relying on the actual positions of the planets. Astronomers that because of the moon\’s gravitational pull on Earth, the alignment of the stars was pushed by about a month.
12/18/2010 Get Ready! Total Lunar Eclipse And Winter Solstice Coincide On Dec. 21
  With frigid temperatures already blanketing much of the United States, the arrival of the winter solstice on December 21 may not be an occasion many people feel like celebrating. But a dazzling total lunar eclipse to start the day might just raise a few chilled spirits.
8/19/2010 The Moon Is Shrinking
  Pictures taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter may indicate that the moon is shrinking.
9/16/2008 Earth’s Moon and Human Evolution
  It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the Moon is not what it appears, that it is not just another satellite orbiting a planet, Earth, but an entity which has thrown the minds of some of the greatest thinkers and scientific brains into a quandary and bewilderment unprecedented in the history of astronomy. Why haven’t you heard about this? Another government cover-up?
8/10/2008 Earth’s Moon and Human Evolution
  It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the Moon is not what it appears, that it is not just another satellite orbiting a planet, Earth, but an entity which has thrown the minds of some of the greatest thinkers and scientific brains into a quandary and bewilderment unprecedented in the history of astronomy. Why haven’t you heard about this? Another government cover-up?
3/22/2004 Lunar mountain has eternal light
  There is a "peak of eternal light" on the Moon - a region from which the Sun never sets, according to astronomers.
9/12/2003 Watch Driving In Light Of Full Moon
  Despite numerous arguments against the theory drawing a correlation between lunar phases and human behavior, Churchill Insurance Group claims that a statistical link exists between bad drivers and a full moon.
2/13/2003 Are these Moon anomalies?
  Steve’s approach is entirely analog, sifting through the reams of data and catalogs provided by a variety of NASA archives.
10/7/2002 Cities Found on the Moon!
  At the same time, the presence of reasoning beings has been detected close to our home, on the Moon.

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